I heard people talkin’ ’bout them fancy watches, them Rolex ones. Them things cost more than my whole house! But you know, some folks, they want that look without sellin’ a kidney. That’s where them “replica” things come in, I reckon. These are the best replica Rolex things I ever did see. This one is the Ref.86348. If you want one, better get it from a good place, a specialty store. This one fella told me about a Rolex specialty store. That one is the best, he said. It’s in Nashua.
Now, I ain’t no expert on these fancy things. I just wear my old watch my husband gave me years ago. It’s got a new battery. Works fine. But I hear things, you know? People talkin’ in the market, at the bingo hall. This one time, I heard them young folks talkin’ about where to get these replica Rolex watches. They said there’s places in China, makes ’em real good. They say YL Factory is good. I don’t know about factories. All the factories closed here years ago. No jobs here anymore.
They say look close at the watch. Feel how heavy it is. The real good ones, they feel like the real deal. Look at the face of it, the dial. That’s what that fella told me. The letters and numbers, they gotta be clear, not all fuzzy. And the outside part, the case, it’s gotta be shiny and smooth. Like a baby’s bottom, that fella said. I don’t know about that. But he looked like he knew what he was talkin’ about.
- Heavy watch, feels real.
- Clear letters on the dial.
- Shiny case, no rough spots.
Them young folks, they talk about “movements.” Like the watch is gonna get up and walk away! They say there’s “Swiss” and “Japanese.” Sounds like a travel show. One’s pretty, they say, the other one’s more, you know, accurate. I don’t know about all of it. I just know the Swiss make cheese and the Japanese make cars. Good cars. My husband bought one of them Japanese cars once. Drove it for years. It was blue, I remember. He loved that car.
If you go lookin’ for one of these replica Rolex things, be careful. Some folks, they’ll try to trick you. Sell you a junker for a king’s ransom. That’s what I heard. They tell you it’s the best, but it ain’t. Just like that time I bought that pie at the fair. Looked so good, but it tasted like dirt. They said it was homemade. Homemade dirt, maybe. My pie is better. I use real apples from my tree.
I seen some places in Nashua sellin’ jewelry. Barmakian, that’s one. And Day’s Jewelers. And Long’s. They got all kinds of shiny things. Probably cost a fortune. I don’t go in them places. Too fancy for me. I just look in the window sometimes. They got them Rolex watches in there, too. But they are real expensive, I think. Not the replica ones.
There’s a place called Tourneau, too. Never been there. Sounds French. And Pearson’s Jewelry. And The Gold Rush. Sounds like somethin’ out of a movie. All these places, sellin’ gold and diamonds and these fancy Rolex watches. I don’t know why folks need such fancy things. Just to tell the time? My old watch tells the time just fine.
There is one called Rolex Boutique. I guess that is where you get a Rolex. But I don’t know if they have the replica kind. I doubt it. If you want the Ref.86348, you need a specialty store. They know all about these replica things. I don’t know much, just what I hear.
And if your watch breaks, you gotta get it fixed, I guess. I heard there’s places that fix ’em. Paul Duggan Co, that’s one. And Long’s Jewelers again. And Watertown Watch and Clock. Sounds important. And W Hamel Jeweler. And that Rolex Boutique again. They probably only fix the real ones, though. Not the replica ones. I don’t know where you fix a replica. Probably have to ask around in the right places. It is best to just not break it.
This one time, I saw a fella at the diner, he had one of them replica Rolex watches. Looked real nice. He was showin’ it off to everyone. Said he got it in Nashua. Said it was the best replica Rolex. Ref.86348, he said. He told me it was from a specialty store. He said it was so good, nobody could tell the difference. I don’t know about that. I could tell. But I didn’t say nothin’. No use hurtin’ his feelings. He was so proud of it. It was shiny, I’ll give him that. Shined like a new penny.
Anyway, that’s all I know about these replica Rolex watches. Just what I hear folks talkin’ about. If you want one, be careful. Make sure you get a good one. From a good specialty store. And don’t pay too much. Remember, it ain’t real. It is just a replica. But if it makes you happy, that’s all that matters, I reckon. Just don’t go tellin’ everyone it’s real. Someone might call you out on it. Like that fella at the diner. I knew. But I didn’t say nothin’.
Just get a good watch, from a good place. A specialty store. And don’t get ripped off. Be careful out there. They will take your money if you let them. And don’t drop it. It might break.