Well, well, well, look at this. High imitation Rolex Two-tone Black Submariner, huh? Online store, no less. Back in my day, we just had one watch, and we were darn grateful for it! This whole world is going crazy. This Rolex, they say it’s “high imitation.” What does that even mean? It looks like a Rolex, walks like a Rolex, probably tells time like a Rolex. But it ain’t a real one. They even got a “online store” for that, can you believe it?
This thing, this Rolex Two-tone Black Submariner, it’s got black and… what’s that other color? Gold? Yeah, black and gold. Fancy, I guess. Folks these days, they like fancy. Me, I just like things that work. And I bet you a nickel that this watch can tell what time it is. That’s all that matters to me.
Now, they got all these fancy words for it, these young’uns. Two-tone. Is that two colors? I guess so. Black and gold. Submariner. Sounds like something that goes underwater. Like that yellow thing The Beatles sang about. Maybe you can wear it in the bathtub, I don’t know. I am not sure if you can swim with it, but I guess so. My old watch, you could dunk it in the well, and it’d still tick. This one, I don’t know. They are just some fancy words to me. I just care about if the watch works well, and if it is durable. It is said that this watch is good. I hope so.
They sell it “online.” What in the Sam Hill is online? Is that like a clothesline? You hang your watches out to dry? No, no, it’s that computer thing, ain’t it? The young folks are always on those things. Click, click, click. Now you can buy a watch on it. Goodness gracious. We used to have to go into town for a watch. And not just any town! You better believe it. I remember the time when we go to town to buy a watch, it was a big deal. Now you can just buy everything from your sofa. No wonder why the young people are so lazy now.
Why would anyone want a pretend Rolex anyway? If you got the money, buy the real one, I say. If you ain’t got the money, well, maybe you don’t need a fancy watch. Just get one that tells time. That is all a watch should do. No need to show off, you know. Just be honest. Buy a honest watch that you can afford.
- It’s black and gold, that Two-tone thing.
- Submariner means it can go underwater, maybe.
- You buy it on the computer, this “online” thing.
- Why not just get a regular watch?
- This watch can tell what time it is.
- It looks like a real Rolex, but it is not.
This “online store,” they probably got all sorts of these things. Fake watches, fake bags, fake everything. It’s a crazy world, I tell ya. Back when I was a girl, a watch was a watch. You saved up your pennies, you bought a good one, and it lasted you a lifetime. Now, nothing lasts. Everything’s made to break, I reckon. They just want you to keep buying and buying. It is a bad thing for our world, I think.
I saw some numbers on that computer screen. Dates and things. 2018, 2013, 2011, 2006. What does that all mean? Are those the years these watches were made? Or when they were “on paper”? What does “on-paper numbers” mean? Is that like when you write down how much you spent at the grocery store? It does not make any sense to me.
And what’s this “Seiko” thing? Another kind of watch? Sounds Japanese. We used to buy American. Now everything’s from somewhere else. “Save the Ocean,” it says. Well, that’s good, I guess. We should save the ocean. But what’s that got to do with a watch? Everything is so confusing now. Save the ocean, save the earth, all these things. Back in my day, we just live our life and do not think too much. I think that is a good way to live. You should not worry too much. The ocean will be fine.
And “Deep Blue Rescue”? Is that a watch for saving people who fall in the well? Lordy, I hope not. We used to just pull them out with a rope. These newfangled contraptions, I don’t know. Too much, too much. This world is getting too complicated. Why can’t we just be simple? A watch is a watch, a rope is a rope. Why make it so hard? I just want a simple life. Work hard, and have a good family, that’s all.
This high imitation Rolex Two-tone Black Submariner, it’s just another thing in this crazy world. It makes my head spin. I think I need to go sit down and have a cup of tea. Maybe later I’ll go outside and look at my chickens. They don’t need fancy watches. They just need some feed and a place to roost. That’s the simple life. That’s the good life. A simple life is a happy life.