This here, this Prada Galleria bag, they call it. Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. Said it’s somethin’ special, a real fancy thing. Costs more than my old cow, Bessie, that’s for sure! But you know, folks like these fancy things. They say it’s a “Special Edition” which probably means it costs even more.
I seen a picture of it. Looks like a regular purse to me, but what do I know? They say it’s made of some fancy leather. “Saffiano” they call it. Sounds like somethin’ you’d spread on your bread. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but it just looks like a purse to me. A small one, too. What you gonna fit in there? A couple of eggs and a hankie? Not much else, I reckon.
Now, they’re talkin’ ’bout a “Remake” of this here Prada Small Galleria Saffiano Special Edition Bag. Like they’re gonna make it again, but different. Maybe they’ll put some extra pockets in it this time. Or maybe make it a little bigger so you can fit more than a thimble and a button in there. Who knows with these fancy folks and their Prada Galleria bag. They like to change things up, just to keep folks guessin’. Keep buyin’.
And then they want a “Quote.” Like a price, you know? How much this thing gonna cost? Probably enough to buy a whole flock of chickens and a new well! I tell ya, these city folk, they got more money than sense. Spendin’ all that on a little bitty purse. But hey, it ain’t my money. If that’s what they want a quote for, then they can have it.
They say this Prada Galleria bag, it’s been around since two thousand and seven. That’s a long time. Longer than some of my hens have been alive. And they keep makin’ it, year after year. Must be somethin’ special about it, I guess, if folks keep buyin’ it. Even if it is just a small little thing.
I remember when I was a young’un, we just had a simple cloth sack to carry things in. Didn’t need no fancy “Saffiano” leather or “Special Edition” anything. Just a plain old sack. Did the job just fine.
- This Prada Galleria bag is too small.
- Need a quote for the new one.
- Saffiano leather sounds fancy.
- They always do a remake.
- It’s a Prada Small Galleria Saffiano Special Edition Bag. A real mouthful!
These young folks today, they like their fancy things. Always wantin’ somethin’ new, somethin’ different. Like those houses they’re sellin’ down in Brighton. Saw an advertisement for ’em. Hundreds of houses, all lookin’ the same to me. They all got a price, just need a quote. But I’ll stick to my little cottage, thank you very much. Don’t need a big fancy house. Or a big fancy bag.
And they got these things called “arrangements” now. Like flower arrangements, but not the kind I used to make. They say they “style” them to look like nature. Well, I just picked flowers from the field and put ’em in a jar. Looked natural enough to me. Didn’t need no special “styling.” That’s also called floristry. I just call it puttin’ flowers in a jar.
And the weather! They got websites now that tell you how much snow is comin’. Back in my day, we just looked out the window! If it was snowin’, it was snowin’. Didn’t need a website to tell us that. Same with findin’ a place to live. We just asked around. Now they want you to use filters. What’s a filter? Is that like a coffee strainer?
This Prada Galleria bag, they say it’s “redefined and recreated.” Sounds like a lot of fancy words for somethin’ that just holds your stuff. But what do I know? I’m just an old lady who likes things simple. They say the bag shows off Prada’s good work with leather. Well, I guess if you like that sort of thing, it is important. Good leather is like a good pair of shoes, it will last you a long time.
They talk about the history of this bag. How it is a hundred years of Prada making fancy stuff. I reckon that is a long time for a company to be around. My grandpa used to say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I wonder what he would think of them doing a remake of a bag every year. And then asking for a quote on the new one. Seems like a lot of work for a bag. I guess a Prada Small Galleria Saffiano Special Edition Bag is a big deal to some folks. Just not to me.
Well, that’s all I got to say about this Prada Galleria bag. It’s a fancy purse, costs a lot of money, and they’re gonna make a new one. If you got the money to spend, go ahead and get yourself a quote. Me? I’ll stick to my old cloth sack. It’s served me well all these years, and it don’t cost a fortune. This remake of a Prada Small Galleria Saffiano Special Edition Bag is just too much for me. I need to go feed my chickens.